Uniting Hearts for Autism Support

Join Our Inclusive Community Events

Our mission is to enhance autism awareness and support families living with autism. Since 2009, we’ve fostered connections, helping over 300 individuals in Kentucky counties.

Experiencing Autism Together

Serving the Kentucky counties of Henderson, Union, and Webster Counties.

Family Events

Throughout the year, we host family-friendly events designed to introduce your individual to new experiences, foster friendships, develop social skills, and encourage positive peer interactions.

Caregiver Support Group

Caregiver Support Meetings are held quarterly and are open to all caregivers, regardless of living location. Our goal is to offer support, education, and a safe space to share both the joys and challenges of caregiving. Each 2-hour meeting begins with a prayer and then transitions into either an open discussion or a 1-hour educational presentation led by a community partner. The remaining time after the educational presentation is dedicated to open discussion, providing caregivers with a chance to connect and share experiences. Please check our events calendar for upcoming Caregiver Support Group dates.

T.E.A.M. G.

T.E.A.M. G. stands for The Experiencing Autism Together Meet-up Group. TEAM G offers individuals diagnosed with autism monthly opportunities for socialization with other’s diagnosed with autism. Peer Mentors are also present to facilitate conversations and assist with activities.

2025 Walk For Autism

Experiencing Autism Together is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, funded by the generous support of our local communities through the Walk for Autism and private donations. Our 15th Annual Walk for Autism will take place on April 26th, 2025, at the Henderson County Fairgrounds. Participating in the walk is a wonderful way to show support for families experiencing autism and to learn more about their journeys.


Fostering Community and Connection

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Connecting Families Through Community Events

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